What are the 5 types of violence?

What are the 5 types of violence?

Defining violence

Domestic violence is one of those things that was always brushed up under the rug and never discussed.  In some circles of society, it was expected and accepted as usual. Today though, the outlook has changed, and the legal system has taken a stance on domestic violence punishment. 

While domestic violence is at the top of the list, it isn’t the only type of violence. Regardless of what type of violence a person is experiencing, it is an epidemic with no limits of borders or respect. Five of the different types of violence that people experience daily around the globe are: 

  • Bullying: This is the act of repeatedly emotionally or physically victimizing a person. It can be in the form of kicking or punching, intimidating, or threatening, excluding from group participation, and spreading of rumors. 
  • ​Child Abuse:  The legal definition of child abuse and child neglect can differ between states, but the federal definition of child abuse or child neglect is stated as follows:  “Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act, which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”  Most states enforce laws within this definition. 
  • Community Violence: Directly or indirectly exposing a person to an act of interpersonal violence when unrelated to them. Examples of these acts would be burglary, mugging, sexual assault, teen gangs, and racial division. 
  • Domestic Violence: This is when emotional, physical, and sexual violence takes place between two adults in their home, usually married or partners. Emotional violence in the home between two adults, regularly partners, is considered domestic violence.
  • ​School Violence: Included in this type of violence is bullying, fighting, gang violence, intimidating, kicking, punching, or slapping and can take place on school property, to or from school, and before, during, or after school or a school-sponsored event.

How serious is a domestic violence charge?

The State of Georgia takes a severe view of domestic violence and will punish those crimes with harsh sentencing. Is there domestic violence bail? Yes, but depending on circumstances, the accused’s a criminal background, and other factors, the judge will likely set the bail at the highest amount possible. 

Is domestic violence punishable?

Yes, and punishment handed down is often more strict than other crimes. Domestic violence crimes have set higher fines as well, and longer imprisonment periods in Georgia than other crimes. Fine for an initial domestic violence battery is $1,000.00 with twelve-month jail time. 

Is a domestic violence conviction a felony?

Subsequent domestic violence charges are given a fine of $5,000.00 and a twelve-month maximum jail sentencing with the possibility of charges being treated as a felony and a five-year prison term. 

How many years do you get for domestic violence?

For a first time charge, the accused could be sentenced to twelve months of jail time. A repeat offender, jail time could range between twelve months and five years.  The accused’s criminal background and the circumstances leading up to the domestic violence act. 

an arrest

How do most domestic violence cases end?

Like any criminal charges, your life will be forever affected and changed. If there are children involved, the accused will be removed from the home, and visitation rights will be denied or supervised.  Because the accused is removed from the home, finding a place to live can be challenging as most places do not allow convicted criminals to live on premises like an apartment. 

The accused’s job may be at risk, and future employment will be difficult to obtain. It the accused is not an American citizen; they may be deported or denied American citizenship and will not be allowed to reenter the country. The accused may lose all rights to firearm ownership or possession as well. 

Once a person has experienced domestic violence, and their accused has been arrested, placed behind bars and removed from the premise doesn’t mean it is over for them. How does domestic violence affect the victim? Survivors of domestic violence face challenging and ongoing effects after experiencing emotional, mental, and physical abuse. How quickly they “bounce” back can vary from person to person, and many never recover. The pain and emotional scars can be everlasting and overwhelming. Each person has a journey to find their strength. Reach out to Double "O" Bonding for bail bonds by dialling 706-353-6467.